Financial Assistance
tbp will accept applications from honorably discharged veterans (no record of misconduct or felonies)and current service members (in good standing) each month that are in need of a one time housing related assistance.
Please click here
transitional / temporary housing
please contact us for temporary housing inquiries if you are a service member/veteran honorably discharged. If applicable and eligible tbp may prepay a short term extended hotel stay.
TBP Sends out care packages to deployed US troops or those stationed away from home by request.
If you or someone you know is overseas or stationed away from home, please complete the gENERAL aSSISTANCE rEQUEST fORM HERE ON THE MAIN PAGE
(please use the mailing address for the service member you want to receive the care package)
Veteran Camaraderie
Need someone to relate and talk with? Do you want someone to just listen? our veteran outreach volunteers are here for you! We will be hosting vetern only "TBP community" gatherings routinely for any of our brothers and sisters as a safe place.
Request a Veteran Pen Pal to connect with either electronically via email or old fashion hand letters- your call!
Follow our social media pages (FB + IG) for details
"Veterans are more likely than civilians to experience homelessness due to combat-related injury or illness, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, or sexual trauma while in service."
-National Coalition to End Homelessness
the number of Veterans who were homeless in the United States in 2018 (according to HUD estimates)
Veteran Crisis Line
and Press 1
or send a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
Easter Seals Hotline call/text 513-240-6897
"Care Packages From Home"
veteran assistance 2023
blessing bags
currently housing a Veteran
and gifted
1 home, mortgage-free
Phone calls/Emails/ Resume Reviews